Cardboard house with colourful bricks, a cat shaped front door and two paper smokey chimneys
Bethany's Fantasy House
Stained glass window of bee, flower and butterfly on acetate
Bethany's Window
Peg dolls waving and dressed in fancy clothes in front of white flowers
Bethany's Little People
Clay pet in a cardboard playhouse
Bethany's Pet
Peg dolls
Darcy's Little People
Small house made out of colourful paper and cardboard
Darcy's Fantasy House
colourful flower, cross and bee on a stained glass window. Made of acetate
Darcy's Windows
white clay model of a fantasy pet. They are in a small cardboard bed and have big eyes and red and orange feathers
Darcy's Pet
Peg dolls
Shanika's Little People
Stained glass window, made on acetate, of a bee, with butterfly and flower
Shanika's Bee
Cardboard house with colourful paper windows with circles and triangles drawn on them
Shanika's Fantasy House
clay model of a pet with blue and orange feathers
Shanika's Pet
Three different drawings as part of a consequences game
Consequences Game
Consequences Game
Consequences Game
Consequences Game
Consequences Game
Three different drawings as part of a consequences game
Consequences Game
Three different drawings as part of a consequences game
Consequences Game
Three different drawings as part of a consequences game
Consequences Game